Friday, March 11, 2011

Voice and Audience Piece - Introduction

For my “Voice and Audience” piece, I chose my blog post “Working is a Community.” In it I tried to bring together the likenesses and differences of why people work. No matter what the reasons, most of us find it necessary to have a job; this commonality brings us together and forms a bond, a type of community.

This type of public writing is my favorite way to write because it’s all about trying to connect with the person reading it, so writing as if I’m actually talking to the reader helps. I am used to picking my own subject though, so having the subject “assigned” was challenging. When I decide I want to write about something, the words tend to just flow from my fingertips, but when I am required to write about a subject that was chosen for me, I have a more difficult time.

In this post I tried to connect with my audience by coming up with examples that everyone could relate to. By doing this I felt that anyone reading it would see how working truly is a community.

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